Wednesday, September 5, 2007

blog assingment #1

This article is from The New Yorker it is entitled Short Changed. It simply discusses the myth is it true that if your short you will not make as much money. However if you are tall then you will make more money. There were some clear examples made such as people that were interviewed that come from good schools, and make good money, but the only flaw is that they just happen to be shorter than the average man or woman.
The structure in this article is very fact based the way that the story is arranged is basically talking about other peoples height, the jobs they have, and how much money they happen to make, Which I happen to find very stereotypical because you can not base to success of a human being due to their height. If that was the case then Mozart would have been a millionaire, and Rockefeller would be a mediocre sales man.
The diction represented in this article is very cliché. The reason why I say this is because for a vast amount of time people have believed that taller humans are more successful and make more money. The cliché view is that it has been so overused, that two professors, Anne Case and Christina Paxson, from the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusssetts performed a study on the myth. After the Study was completed a book was published called Taller people are smarter. After that, Case, and Paxson received very brutal e-mails. It was clear that in this book the diction was used so clearly that it outraged many individuals. One Young man even wrote to them and said,” That you for reminding me that I am a loser.” Due to the fact that he was 4’9.
The tone of this article is very informal. It talks about the way people feel toward the disgusting rumor. It offends the individuals that are not tall and it also offends people that are tall. The actions in this article were expressed very critically. Many people had a lot of things to say towards the two professors. However Case and Paxson thought that they were not determined to stand corrected. However Case happens to be 5’9 and Paxson happens to be 5’8 and they are both highly paid professors…….go figure.
The voice used in this article is the point that the professors try to make. By just simply stating that numerous research has been performed to show that this myth however is indeed true. I personally think that it is a prejudice article. Based on what other people believe.

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